The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
Do you want to become your customers’ first choice? If yes, this podcast is for you! Through heart-to-heart chats with successful entrepreneurs in Asia, you will discover what it takes to stand out from your competition and dominate your market.
Every episode features one entrepreneur who is highly sought after in his or her market. Through their backstories, you will uncover the lessons and mistakes to avoid in order to have their level of influence over their customers.
You will also gain insights into how each entrepreneur leverage on social media to generate leads, deepen relationships while building their personal brand. With these insights, you will no longer need to chase for sales. Customers will chase after you and your life will become easier in 2021!
Your host Eric Feng is a living testimony of the power of social media. Thanks to social media, he went from being an unknown trainer in Singapore to a celebrated speaker globally. In 2019, he was invited to speak in 35 countries on social media branding. He has a strong presence across eight social media platforms and was recently verified on Facebook and TikTok.
The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
27. How to build an online community in your niche – Ivan Kuek
Building an online community is a great way to attract like minded people to you. It is also an amazing way to learn from others and reach out to higher profile people you want to connect with. Brands will also want to work with you and your tribe, and it helps you to build your personal brand, which will inevitably help with your business.
So if you want to meet high profile people, you enjoy learning from smart, interesting people and you have a heart to serve and solve problems, you will love today's conversation.
My guest is Ivan Kuek, he is a content creator and community leader of three local communities, SGIG, The Social Running Club, and Photo Logue, which combined have over 17k members on Instagram and have connected thousands of people on the topics of photography and fitness. He has also featured by brands like Apple and has collaborated with Lululemon.
Remember to stay all the way to the end as I’m going to ask him the million-dollar question on how he got these big brands to work with him.
Also, listen out for Ivan's answers to the following questions:
- What led you to start a photography and fitness community? – 0:48
- Let’s talk about the first community you started, SGIG. How did that come about? - 1:46
- You’re a passionate photographer who is passionate about taking photos. What motivated you to want to start a community around it? - 3:52
- We know as entrepreneurs and businesspeople that there is value in building a community. What’s your take on it? - 6:28
- We have listeners who are in financial advisory, real estate and network marketing and they understand the value of having a community. How can they go about starting one. Does it have to be about our work? - 10:35
- What does it take to be a community leader? - 18:07
- How has helping others with your communities helped you looking back? - 20:28
- As a community leader, do you think being extroverted is just as important as bringing people together? - 24:13
- What are some of the key mistakes people make when building their community? - 27:17
- How can people who have a community revive their community? - 33:35
- What tools do you use to manage those communities? - 36:24
- Looking back over the last 11 years, how has that inevitably contributed back to your business? - 39:31
- Tell us about this book, Get Connected - 45:27
If you want to keep in touch with Ivan, you can reach him (and his various communities: SGIG, The Social Running Club, and Photo Logue) on Instagram at @phonenomenon.
Read these books to become highly sought after in your own industry -> www.pickericsbrain.com
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