The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
Do you want to become your customers’ first choice? If yes, this podcast is for you! Through heart-to-heart chats with successful entrepreneurs in Asia, you will discover what it takes to stand out from your competition and dominate your market.
Every episode features one entrepreneur who is highly sought after in his or her market. Through their backstories, you will uncover the lessons and mistakes to avoid in order to have their level of influence over their customers.
You will also gain insights into how each entrepreneur leverage on social media to generate leads, deepen relationships while building their personal brand. With these insights, you will no longer need to chase for sales. Customers will chase after you and your life will become easier in 2021!
Your host Eric Feng is a living testimony of the power of social media. Thanks to social media, he went from being an unknown trainer in Singapore to a celebrated speaker globally. In 2019, he was invited to speak in 35 countries on social media branding. He has a strong presence across eight social media platforms and was recently verified on Facebook and TikTok.
The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
26. How to attract and retain high net worth clients through estate planning – Eugene Soo
Do you want to increase your case size, closing ratio and referrals? If the answer is yes, you will love this episode because my guest, Eugene Soo, is going to show you how he achieved all these by incorporating estate planning into his sales advisory process.
With ten years in the financial advisory business, Eugene is a well-trusted estate planner and legacy trainer among high-net-worth individuals here in Singapore. He is a member of the Society of Will Writers and holds the title of Charted Financial Consultant, as well as Associate Estate Planning Practitioner, a sough-after certification from the Wealth College.
To date, Eugene has set up more than 200 family and business trusts, which has led him to win the Top Trust Producer award for multiple years running since 2014 and he has also shared his expertise on mainstream media like Mediacorp, Channel U, and CNA938.
So, if you want to attract and retain high net worth clients to work with you, pay attention to this episode.
And listen out for Eugene's answers to the following questions:
- You started off your career as a financial advisor, and then you became an estate planner. What’s the story behind the switch? – 1:06
- What is it about the financial advisory business that made you want to enter during your university days? - 2:58
- In simple terms, what is Estate Planning? - 9:40
- What questions did your clients ask you when it comes to Estate Planning? - 10:15
- Why do your clients choose you over other estate planners? – 12:06
- What does building credibility look like in 2021? – 15:30
- If I’m only one or two years in the business, how can I show you I’m reliable? – 17:06
- You mentioned creating intimacy. How does that look like and what are some of the questions your clients love you asking them? – 17:54
- Tell us about self-interest in your formula - 20:38
- How different is your service from private bankers? - 23:07
- How do you define high net worth? – 25:27
- Let us in on the high-net-worth clients. What are they like? – 26:12
- How can financial consultants start incorporating estate planning into their sales advisory process? - 30:28
- How can our listeners start getting themselves proficient, or even certified, to do what you do? What are some of the pathways? - 35:25
- Once they got the information they need, where can they go to get credible information? – 36:44
- I want to talk about your book, Leaving A Legacy Of Love. Who is it written for? – 38:01
- How can I get a copy of this book? - 39:54
- Tell me more about your legacy training for financial advisors – 40:14
- What would be your best advice for all the financial advisors and consultants for them to be able to succeed in the final sprint? - 43:02
- What is the one thing that has helped you become highly sought after amongst the mass affluent here in Singapore? - 44:38
If you want to keep in touch with Eugene, you can reach him on Instagram @eugenesoo. You can grab a copy of Eugene's book Leaving A Legacy Of Love at www.securinggenerations.com.sg/book/
Eugene's Estate Planning Course (with 90% IBF funding) can be accessed at: www.eugenesooestatetraining.com/ibf-program/
Read these books to become highly sought after in your own industry -> www.pickericsbrain.com
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