The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
Do you want to become your customers’ first choice? If yes, this podcast is for you! Through heart-to-heart chats with successful entrepreneurs in Asia, you will discover what it takes to stand out from your competition and dominate your market.
Every episode features one entrepreneur who is highly sought after in his or her market. Through their backstories, you will uncover the lessons and mistakes to avoid in order to have their level of influence over their customers.
You will also gain insights into how each entrepreneur leverage on social media to generate leads, deepen relationships while building their personal brand. With these insights, you will no longer need to chase for sales. Customers will chase after you and your life will become easier in 2021!
Your host Eric Feng is a living testimony of the power of social media. Thanks to social media, he went from being an unknown trainer in Singapore to a celebrated speaker globally. In 2019, he was invited to speak in 35 countries on social media branding. He has a strong presence across eight social media platforms and was recently verified on Facebook and TikTok.
The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
25. How to overcome depression and improve our mental resilience – Kevin Wee
Do you find yourself staying up late bingeing on TV shows (like Squid Game), mindlessly scrolling through social media and navigating your day uninspired and aimless? If yes, there is a name for that blah you are feeling: it’s called languishing. According to mental health experts, languishing is the neglected middle child of mental health that dulls your motivation and focus – and sadly it is a dominant emotion of 2021.
But the good news is my guest today is a thought leader in the mental health space and in today’s episode, he is going to help you overcome languishing along with the other siblings of mental health like anxiety, depression and suicide.
His name is Kevin Wee, founder of Rebound with Resilience, a social enterprise and training provider dedicated to improving the resilience, mindset, and mental wellness of Singaporeans, while supporting the employability of people with disabilities. Kevin has worked with over 100 schools and organisations, including Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and SIM Global Education. His TikTok videos has also trended on the #mentalhealthawareness.
And with October being Mental Health Month, I can’t think of a better time to do this episode. So take a deep breath, relax and join me on a journey to improving your mental well-being!
Listen out for Kevin's answers to the following questions:
- I have followed you for a while and you’re super committed to mental health. I’m curious, is there a backstory to it? - 1:53
- What do you think is the opposite of mental health? – 11:30
- Walk us through that period of time when you were experiencing depression. How was it like? - 12:42
- How do we distinguish between clinical depression and sadness? - 14:52
- What are some of the symptoms we need to take note of? - 15:20
- What can I do when I start noticing I’m having more frequent negative thoughts? - 21:10
- What about if I cannot completely remove my stressors or triggers completely? – 25:20
- Would you say the way to curb or manage depression is to identify negative thoughts and then reform them? – 27:51
- What are some of the bad advice we should not give to people who are depressed? - 28:33
- How can we make more people open to seeking professional help? - 30:17
- Why do you think suicidal thoughts are becoming more and more pervasive? - 31:50
- How did you process suicidal thoughts? - 34:40
- Where can we source for hope? Where are some places that we can get it? - 41:28
- Why is languishing a dominant emotion in 2021? - 44:58
- How can we overcome it? - 46:25
- What are your podcast guest’s 3 best tips to overcome languishing? - 48:40
- Of all the people you’ve helped so far, who is the most memorable one? - 55:55
- What’s your final advice you’d like to pass onto the audience? - 59:41
If you want to keep in touch with Kevin, you can reach him on Instagram @k.weee, or Rebound with Resilience @reboundwithresilience. Kevin's podcast Rebound with Resilience with Kevin Wee can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also get in touch with Rebound with Resilience online at: https://reboundwithresilience.com/
Read these books to become highly sought after in your own industry -> www.pickericsbrain.com
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