The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
Do you want to become your customers’ first choice? If yes, this podcast is for you! Through heart-to-heart chats with successful entrepreneurs in Asia, you will discover what it takes to stand out from your competition and dominate your market.
Every episode features one entrepreneur who is highly sought after in his or her market. Through their backstories, you will uncover the lessons and mistakes to avoid in order to have their level of influence over their customers.
You will also gain insights into how each entrepreneur leverage on social media to generate leads, deepen relationships while building their personal brand. With these insights, you will no longer need to chase for sales. Customers will chase after you and your life will become easier in 2021!
Your host Eric Feng is a living testimony of the power of social media. Thanks to social media, he went from being an unknown trainer in Singapore to a celebrated speaker globally. In 2019, he was invited to speak in 35 countries on social media branding. He has a strong presence across eight social media platforms and was recently verified on Facebook and TikTok.
The #HighlySoughtAfter Talk Show
34.How to build a global business as a full time mum-Yvon Bock
Are you looking to start your very own business in 2022 as a full-time parent? If so you will be inspired by this week's episode as my guest built a global business as a full-time mom.
Her name is Yvon Bock, a Certified Lactation Counselor, and the founder and CEO of Hegen, a home grown baby products business designed to enhance the breastfeeding experience for both mothers and babies. As a mother of four, Yvon launch Hegen in 2015 and the business has since grown to over 17 markets globally. In 2017, Yvon also won Alibaba 11.11 most Outstanding Performance Award for the Mother and Baby Brand Category, and even our own prime minister of Singapore paid tribute to Yvon and Hegen during Singapore's National Day Rally last year. So if your goal is to start your very own global business as a full-time parent, you'll very much love this episode.
Also listen out for Yvon's answers to the following questions:
- Backstory to her business?-02:10
- How breastfeeding mum feel?-03:30
- Why is breastfeeding great?- 05:42
- How did Yvon build a breastfeeding milk bank?- 08:34
- Why she started the global business?-11:43
- Yvon walking us through her business ecosystem?- 12:44
- Initial vision for Hegen?-14:55
- How did Yvon felt when her idea was copied?-17:29
- How fast did she bounce back?- 18:21
- The importance of intellectual property right?- 19:11
- How personal crisis lead to the birth of Hegen?-21:29
- About the business?- 26:45
- The importance of branding and acquiring the trademark?-29:55
- How much percent of revenue should be dedicated?-33:02
- What Yvon did right to be highly sought after?-40:14
- How Yvon created 48 hours in a day in her life?-44:18
If you want to keep in touch with Yvon, you can reach her on Instagram at @yvonbock
Read these books to become highly sought after in your own industry -> www.pickericsbrain.com
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Yvon Bock(Guest):
And I'm like, hey, wait a minute. I'm alive. And then I saw the reflection. I saw my baby. And then I'm like, Yvon Bock, why you're so upset with the world? You need to be thankful and you need to be happy and grateful to the world. You have a second chance in life. So that was the moment I knew I need to do something to create a difference. A positive difference to other people out there.
Eric Feng(Host):
Are you looking to start your very own business in 2022 as a full-time parent? If so you will be inspired by this week's episode as my guest built a global business as a full-time mom. Her name is Yvon Bock, a Certified Lactation Counselor, and the founder and CEO of Hegen, a home grown baby products business designed to enhance the breastfeeding experience for both mothers and babies. As a mother of four, Yvon launch Hegen in 2015 and the business has since grown to over 17 markets globally. In 2017, Yvon also won Alibaba 11.11 most Outstanding Performance Award for the Mother and Baby Brand Category, and even our own prime minister of Singapore paid tribute to Yvon and Hegen during Singapore's National Day Rally last year. So if your goal is to start your very own global business as a full-time parent, you'll very much love this episode. So first of all, congratulations, Yvon.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Thank you so much, Eric.
Eric Feng(Host):
How was your staycation?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Oh, it was great. It was first time ever of six years I didn't take out my laptop. I had a fantastic team holding the front and I'm so grateful, I had a full rest.
Eric Feng(Host):
She's glowing, okay?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
I'm well rested.
Eric Feng(Host):
I love my guests when they're well rested 'cause we're gonna have a good conversation. Now, I also wanna congratulate you for being mentioned, right. But clearly-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Thank you so much.
Eric Feng(Host):
there are so many thousands of businesses in Singapore and you mentioned yours. How do you feel when you first heard your company name being announced?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
That moment was surreal and it was a great affirmation letting the team and myself know that we are on the right track and we are... I mean, it's really a great honor and we are so humble by this mention. I hope that a team and the rest of us, we can continue to innovate and serve the mothers even better around the world.
Eric Feng(Host):
- You guys should watch the YouTube version. Look at her eyes. It's like, so much conviction, you know. It's beautiful. Now, you have built a thriving global business dedicated to helping moms, right, in their breastfeeding journey. Somehow I sense that there's a backstory to that.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, I believe every business, there's always a reason they start, right, a purpose. So mine was, I'm a mother of four. I breastfed for a total of 10 years, and I really love breastfeeding, but the whole breastfeeding journey for me 17 years ago, right, was really tough. So imagine going back to work, I was carrying a bag full of products. Like, army full pack.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes, our accountant just did that this year.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, no joke. I don't know, the whole journey felt so daunting. The products were very clunky then, and everything is singular purpose. So you have a pump that comes with their own products, own bottles, and then when you wanna transfer it to the storage containers, you have like cooler bags, cooler packs, everything, wet wipes, everything. And then you have to transfer it to the bottle of your baby's choice when you reach home. So there's so much transfer, so much time wasted on all process. Not to mention, milk is wasted throughout this whole process as well.
Eric Feng(Host):
- And all ready breastfeeding itself is all ready so difficult. It's just worse, right?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah. And you know, 17 years ago when breastfeeding was not so well accepted, I felt that breastfeeding mom was something we are very ashamed of or we are very shy.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Wait, why? Okay, shy, yes. A shame, I don't understand why.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, we felt like we were taking time away from our job. So that was the kind of impression we had on ourselves. and people look at us like, huh, oh, so 45 minutes now you'll be away from your desk. And you know, it feel very stress and when we pump, we don't have dedicated nursing rooms, no corner. So I had to do it in store rooms, in toilets. I mean, there are so many examples of stories that I can tell you, you know, and I can make it into a long...
Eric Feng(Host):
-Yvon, you know what. Let's jump in and ask you like, what's your most memorable memory that you have of your breastfeeding journey?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So well, I think, so first of all, breastfeeding was like, my passion, and so I did it right for the first and the second child. I thought my third child would be perfect, right. Like, oh, I did it all ready like, easy peasy.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Correct.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- But nobody told me every child is different, every birth is different. So when I had my third child I was all ready, you know, prepared. But at 35th week my baby pop unannounced. So I had a premature delivery. So that was really like, kind of like, off-track me from my preparation. So Lucas, my number three, he was born tiny. So it's very difficult to latch, and even though as a successful breastfeeding mom for the first two child, I had to struggle and also struggle with myself to accept the fact that I have to feed him with a bottle because we tried cupping. So cupping, strange feeding for pretty much a newborn, but he was in an incubator. It's really tough, and nurses and doctors were advising me, Yvon, don't be stubborn. It's okay, we understand you are breastfeeding advocate, but breastfeeding can come later, but you just have to let the baby grow to a certain size-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Certain size
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- and so allow us to use bottles to feed him.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yvon, this might be an awkward question, right, but I'm just very curious, like, prior to interviewing you, right, I've never thought of breastfeeding as a passion. I thought it's a choice. I actually, I'm also clueless. Like, is there a reason why breastfeeding is actually great? Maybe we start with that, and I want to know why you're passionate about it.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Because we have a lot of male listeners.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- It'd be nice to have them understand as well.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah. Oh, that's interesting because in our business, right, this is what breasts is like everyday. So bear with me.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, please, Spotify, don't like ban my episode. You know, breast they might be like, cancel, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay, tell me.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- You know, I think mother nature has a way for us to continue our generations, right, with this form of breast milk passing down to the next generation. So why is it it's a passion, right? It's because that bond is unexplainable. Really, I can't use any words or pictures that describe to you that sensation, that form of bonding a mom has with a child when that leche is on. There is this electrifying experience. Okay, so sometimes I actually describe it like an orgasm.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, wow I feel like we guys are missing out.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah. But it's that connection with your baby. That instant electrifying connection with your baby, that no words can describe. And I think that is how human nature. We need to have this breastfeeding to continue that human connection generation to generation. And that's why I feel that if I can continue to advocate breastfeeding, it will help the society, help the world in a bigger way. Yeah, little, little way, one mother at a time, but we can influence and affect everyone in a positive manner, in a greater way.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Now, I can get why you're so passionate about it. And going back to that memory, so what you're saying is that it was memorable for you, not in a very positive way, because you felt that you cannot have that bond with Lucas.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, and so we introduced bottle. So Lucas grew to a successful safety weight size, but the greatest regret for me as a mom was he never accepted my breasts again, because he had this thing called nipple confusion. So that to me was the deepest memory, painful, guilty moment in my whole 10 years of breastfeeding. So for him, I never give up. I pump exclusively and I feed through a bottle to him. So to me, as long... So I want to encourage moms and dads out there, right. Exclusive breastfeeding is not about latching 100%, 24 hours, seven days a week. Exclusive breastfeeding is when you can pump or you can feed your child in any form your breast milk to the baby exclusively. That is the best thing ever.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Got it, wow. I think most need to hear that, right. Otherwise they, like you said, they'll feel guilty or they feel sad if you cannot connect, all right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- And I'm curious to know like, what would be your record because since you said that Lucas will not be able to latch on, so you probably... I heard that you probably build a milk bank, right. Tell us about that as your record.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Okay, so disclaimer, right. Breastfeeding is not a competition. But I share because it is the greatest moment in my life. So I pump because that's my way of knowing that even I'm not beside my baby all the time, because during that period of time I'm working often, I travel a lot for my business trips, so the way that I stay connected is my breast milk. So I exclusively give them milk 100%, and so each pump, I can go up to three quarter to one liter. Six times a day.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Six time? You brought pictures?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, I brought a picture.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Please, let's take a look. Okay, to all our YouTube subscribers, you can look at the camera over there, right. You know what this is? Mom's love.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Mom's dedication.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Mom's passion. It's beautiful.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- My priceless assets.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, little Lucas. Baby Lucas. How old is Lucas right now?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Lucas is 15.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Lucas... Okay, he's gotta be a bit embarrassed about it. Like, hey, Lucas. You see your mom's love for you, right. Those of you listening your podcast, please hop onto YouTube, all right. Take a look. This is beautiful.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Oh, actually, Lucas is 13.
Eric Feng(Host):
- It felt like 15, right, 'cause it's been so long.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, yes, yes, it's been so long.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Don't worry, my mom still mix up my age, you know. I always tell her it's okay. If you want to mix my age wrongly just lesser.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, I still love you, Lucas.
Eric Feng(Host):
- We love you. Okay, I hear you, wow.
Yvon Bock(Host):
- So at one point, right, I actually had a record of 1,500 bottles of this kind of expressed out stocked breast milk between 150 to 240 ML bottles. Yeah, and it was really a blessing for me because I just wanted to make sure my child can get my milk. And then at that moment, right, I could actually feed up to two children. So the older child and the baby at the same time. So when I come home, I see them drinking my milk.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes, how you feel?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Wow, that marvelous. It's magical. Enough like, it was enough for me.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Now, I can now understand your passion about breastfeeding. Thank you so much for saying that 'cause I've never thought it and I guess I would never, but seeing your eyes and your conviction, I can see why, you know, mother and children bond. There's always going to be that special bond, right. I mean, let's admit it. Mother's Day seems to still be very popular, you know, over Father's Day. It's getting better.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- All right. So I can understand why.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- And you notice, right. Like, anybody when they are in pain or they are afraid, first thing they call is mama.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Exactly.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Mommy, I need you, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I have a friend who said showing me this text message and he messaged his mom, saying, ma', I don't feel good. Then the mom was like, oh, I have pain and had a very long chat. And then when he did it on his dad, the dad say, get out your sick shell, or whatever, you know. And don't be such a loser. One sentence. And then he say, okay, thank you, dad.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Aaaw.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, but I get you, right. I understand. Now, so going back to the original question, okay, that you started this global business. It's a huge commitment, right, to help women, moms enjoy their breastfeeding journey, not just for moms, but for babies as well. So I can understand now it's because of the clunkiness and it was just not effective for the mom.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So the inspiration through my pain points was to create a system, an ecosystem, that you can integrate every product into a interchangeable, multifunctional solution.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I love how you mentioned it. Ecosystem.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Tell us. How does it-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Now, breastfeeding is a lifestyle. Breastfeeding is not a task. To me it should be sassy. It should be fashionable.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Its should be cool.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Cool, trendy, and it's a lifestyle and it's part of your life that you will never forget, right. So be it you'll feed for a day, a week, a month, a year or a decade, I don't know, yeah. It's breastfeeding and it's a beautiful gift that we should cherish.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So walk us through the ecosystem. What would you have in the ecosystem?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So it starts with, as a working mom, I need a bottle that will avoid nipple confusion, right. Like what Lucas went through. I don't want any other mothers to go through that. So it started with a feeding bottle, but then with a feeding bottle you need to pump out your milk, so we have our pump.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- All right. And then with all this, I need to store them in the freezer, like these 1,500 bottles in this picture, right. So I want to make sure that this whole ecosystem you can express, that means you pump, store your milk, and then when it's ready to feed you just make one and feed in a bottle all within the same bottle. Just change the top. You don't have to transfer. No waste food transfer.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, moms will love this.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah. And one more additional innovation off that is because I'm so upset with screw tread in the past. Screw tread they make our life so miserable. So in the middle of the night, imagine 3AM, you wake up, yeah. You prepare the bottle. You're tired. And your eyes are half open, half closed. You try to match the screw line. And then by the time you feed a bottle, you might be dozing off a little bit and then next thing is, hey, why is my whole pants and baby all wet?
Eric Feng(Host):
- Didn't screw tight.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- And then realize you didn't screw tight and the milk was not going to the baby. Was actually going to everything else. Yeah, imagine father feeding the child. What would the mommy say? It's really...
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay, guys, listen. So those are the things, the pain points that mom's and dads would go through, and usually the night shift, right, daddies would take some part of it, right. And I encourage husband to support the moms in the middle of the night to do the night shift because so that the mommy has a longer rest.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
So then when daddy take on the shift I want them to enjoy the process-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, and not be stressful, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- And not be stressed out about it. So with that, we innovative it there's no screw track. Twist to open, press to close, innovation.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I just want to say, right, that this is super cool. 'Cause I have a mentee of mine who just became a father. So Leslie if you're listening to this episode, please, go and your wife a Hegen, right. I think that's like, the best way to express love. Now, what was your initial vision for Hegen?
Eric Feng(Host):
- Because you started in 2015, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- To trace back, right, the whole journey started in 2010.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, wow.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah. So after I have my fourth kid, and after going through a life threatening situation that I've decided that I want to give back, I want to pay it forward with this whole ecosystem, right. And so it started with a brand in mind, like a product innovation in mind. And so 2010, where we came up with this first concept, the idea was leaked. So I want to tell everyone that it's okay, you know, that if you bang your head this way, right. So it was a big crash for me.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, and right at the start.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Right at the start, really. We designed, everything was ready to go into the soft tooling, like prototyping stage, right. When you see your own design being materialized by another competitor right in front of your face in a very lousy manner, my heart broke and it crushed me, but I would say everything happens for a reason and fortunately, that was a blessing for me.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Why?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So I look back and that was a biggest lesson I learned about intellectual property protection. And also we can be trusting and you know, we can trust. However, when it comes to product innovation or copyrights, a lot of all these intellectual properties, right, we need to protect it before you disclose. So sign NDA before you share your brilliant ideas or concepts to friends, families, or peers. You may never know what will happen. Maybe it's just an innocent comment that someone's shared with someone else and there it goes, right. So that was a very painful but great lesson. I think I took it as the biggest lesson I've learned and it's very beneficial to our journey.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Maybe, let's put a pause and zoom in into that because I mean, it's been a while, right. You said 2010. Now it's now 2022, right. It's been a while. But I want to go back to that moment where you saw it, because as entrepreneurs, we get a lot of disappointments. I mean, as it is being an entrepreneur a really very difficult, because we need to like, feed our people, we need to grow our product line, we need to have customers.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- And not to mention, you're alone.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, and then people play unfair. I don't mind losing in a fair game but if people play unfair then it's just not fair.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I want to go to that moment. How do you feel in that moment when you saw that? You said you felt something, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- My heart literally just dropped. It was that rollercoaster feeling, you know, that you you're no longer... Your heart it detached from your soul. And so I couldn't cry. You know, that moment is I don't even have tears. I'm so-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Shock.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- shock and shamed. Like, why do you do it in such an ugly manner? And...
Eric Feng(Host):
- So funny.
Eric Feng(Host):
- You were being wronged all ready, but you're like, ah, you copy, also you copy nicely now.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, yeah, it's a face palm moment. I mean, I'm a very positive person so when things like that happen, right, I was very in pain, but the pain was so until I was numb.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Right. But this is part of journey of a business journey. And this is part of life.
Eric Feng(Host):
- How fast do you bounce back? You saw it, your face palm moment, and then?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Nine months.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay. Okay, you see, at least you see that now.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So I want to be honest. It was not easy.
Eric Feng(Host):
- No, thank you. Thank you for saying that. Because sometimes we look at successful entrepreneurs like yourself, and then we are going through downtime and then we wonder, why do you have that kind of strength and we don't? Because we thought we need to feel better tomorrow.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Whatever you see on social media or outside, right, it's the glam and the nice side but you never see the hardship or the really ugly moments behind, but it's okay. All of us will have that. We have our share and it's all right, so.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Well guys, so stop comparing your behind the scenes with someone's highlights reel. It's not always the case, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So okay. So you first launched. 2010 had this idea, Hegen. Before you even get it out it got leaked, and then that's when you went into IP, right?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes. So intellectual property. So the nine months also start me thinking, looking for lawyers and learn about, oh, so how do we protect ourselves, and how do I protect the concept? And so that's where the nine months went into learning and never give up. So I want to share, don't give up. If you have a passion, if you know that there is a solution you want to help people, don't give up. So that's where we went back to the drawing board. I told the team, guys, this is our chance to make it simpler, more practical, even more innovative. Come on, let's take this as our second chance and do a better job. Yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- How big was your team back then?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Less than 10.
Eric Feng(Host):
- That's still a lot people.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- But that was the engineering side of the team-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, to construct it, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- to construct it, right. So but everybody was really like tine, you know. Like the-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Tine, that means... How to translate that,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- It's like a punctured tire.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, punctured tire.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah. You really feel discouraged and flatten, you know. So I have to be the cheerleader and I was like, come on guys. Let's do it. Let's try again, let's try again. Let's go. And nothing honestly during that period of time when we iterating, right, nothing would beat the original idea. To be honest, it was very painful, but one day I told myself that, hey, you know, actually if I had materialized that design or this original concept, I will regret it today-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, why?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Because it was much more complex, you know. The whole idea was not as sleek, as clean, as practical as this one. So when we came up with this idea, right, I'm like, guys, this is a celebration. We have to thank whoever is out there to intervene and let us have this chance.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Blessing. No wonder you say is a blessing in disguise, right. And Steve jobs says, sometimes you can not connect the dots until you look backwards.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Exactly, yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay, so guys, whatever disappointment you are facing as an entrepreneur, I like you to remember what Yvon said. That it's just a blessing in disguise. Something better it's on its way.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Whatever happened, it happens for you.
Eric Feng(Host):
- The reason for you.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, for you. And so take it as a lesson that you can actually make things even better.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So in other words, every time when we face an obstacle, instead of go, why me? Which doesn't solve the problem. Go, so how can I make the best out of it? Which is exactly what you did. Now, Yvon I heard you say that another reason why you started this business, Hegen, is also because you had some personal crisis, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Would you mind sharing? Is it related to...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So I think... Oh, it's a very personal story. So actually doing that whole 10 years of journey, you know. I mean, breastfeeding is definitely the top one in my head, right. So when I have my fourth child and the fourth cesarean, in medical terms that is high-risk and so when, when I was going into the delivery room, I had to sign this disclaimer, right. Like to make sure that I understand the risks I'm going through during my fourth cesarean. So the first line some quantum signs are, don't focus on things that you don't want. Focus on things that you want. So I don't know why I just focused on this. Oh, you will rupture your bladder. You know, there's a risk of rupturing your bladder. So I keep thinking, rapture bladder. Why is rupture bladder? I'm like, what kind of... No, impossible. Like what is that? And my focus was on that. And so...
Eric Feng(Host):
- Your focus is your reality.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah. So to cut the story short, unfortunately, during the process, my bladder was ruptured, so they almost lost me because of a rapid loss of blood, right. So when I was wheeled out, when I was waking up, I noticed that everybody was so frantic I don't know anything, right, because it was a general procedure. So when I was waking up I was like, why? Why everyone's so frantic? So I always joke. Maybe the blood they was infusing me was of a very angry person. So I was very angry with everyone. I chased every family member, except my husband, out of the ward. I said, leave me alone. Just don't talk to me. I was very upset.
Eric Feng(Host):
- But you didn't know what was happening?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- I didn't know what ha... I know I went through something major, right. So I say, why me? Why me, you know? And yeah, so I was really upset. So as cesarean mom, we are actually prepped that the second day it's best that you get out of bed, push yourself out of bed to circulate your bloods, right. So I had a very traumatic birth and it was a surgery, right. But I still insisted I wanted to get out of bed even though I have three bags hanging on there. So I have my urinal bag. I had my IV drip.
Eric Feng(Host):
- IV drip.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- IV drip. I have blood, right. I'm like, nurse, I just want to get out of bed. Let me out, you know. And so I went to the toilet. So the nurse was very sweet. I'm so thankful, you know. Maybe hormonal, you know.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Shout out to the nurses, please.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, yes, thank you-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Our healthcare workers.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- for all the nurses out there. Healthcare workers out there. So they really say, okay, yeah. Ma'am we will help you, but just be very careful because you are very weak right now. And I'm like, I can do it. I can, I can. So they push me to the toilet and there I am standing in front of the mirror.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Looking at the reflection.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- I saw my baby. And first you saw yourself, right. Like a dead person alive, because I'm so fair and like, bloodless.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes, because you've just been through a lot in surgery.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- And I'm like, hey, wait a minute. I'm alive. And then I saw the reflection. I saw my baby. And then I'm like, Yvon Bock, why you're so upset with the world? You need to be thankful and you need to be happy and grateful to the world. You have a second chance in life. So that was the moment I knew I need to do something to create a difference. A positive difference to other people out there.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So beautiful. I feel so bad making Yvon cry. I'm so sorry, but I just sense that for a person to have so much conviction like you, there is always a counter force. And what's the name of your fourth child?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so Kimberly.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, my God. Isn't this is so beautiful? Lucas inspired you. Kimberly inspired you. Your children inspire you to do what you do.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- That's right, yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- yeah. So that was that moment I'm determined I want to create a positive difference.
Eric Feng(Host):
- And that's the fifth child, Hegen.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Hegen, yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Hegen in old German is cherish.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Is there a message behind it?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So the longer definition of Hegen is actually part of a very old German idiom, Hegen enflagen which means if you hunt, you must always farm it back, right. If you eat a salad, for example, always remember to crop it back. So it's giving back in your own way.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Don't just take.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, return to mother nature in your own ways, in other ways, by making sure that you always pay it forward. So that is really what I want to do and that's my calling and that's my mission. And I hope to help more mothers on their breastfeeding journey around the world.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Around the world and you all ready done it with 17 markets-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- More to go.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, my God. You have to go the world, okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Right, Yvon goes global. So we hear your backstory and thank you so much for sharing and tell us a bit about a business, because we have a lot of entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs listening and watching us and today's episode was about how do you build a global business as a full time parent, right. So one of the big, big challenge that you face, right, right at the beginning was you being imitated, right. Imitated. And then of course you saw the good in it and you innovate it and you create an even stronger product. Are there other challenges that you face in your journey in building Hegen to be a global brand?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- For sure.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Eric Feng(Host):
- I like when she says
for sure she's smiling.
(Eric and Yvon laughing)
Eric Feng(Host):
-It's like she like, enjoy problems.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Okay, tell us.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- A wise person told me, you know,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-when your business is small,
you have small problems,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but when you have a big business,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-your problems will only get bigger.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But how you react to the
problems and handle them
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and taken in your stride,
that's where you will succeed.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, my God.
Eric Feng(Host):
-This is beautiful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-This is beautiful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Can I jump in?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, of course.
Eric Feng(Host):
- A while ago,
Eric Feng(Host):
-I was complaining to one of
my very successful mentor
Eric Feng(Host):
-about my company, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Also running business.
Eric Feng(Host):
-He said something in similar,
but he asked me this.
Eric Feng(Host):
-He said, "Eric, do you
want to be a stream?
Eric Feng(Host):
-Or do you want to be the sea?"
Eric Feng(Host):
-Then I say, I want to be the sea.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Sea is big, vast, you
make a lot more money.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You have a lot more influence.
Eric Feng(Host):
-He said, you think about it.
Eric Feng(Host):
-A stream can only accept
freshwater fishers
Eric Feng(Host):
-and small little tiny fishes.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Nothing more.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Maybe planktons.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Maybe some planktons
that you can't really see
Eric Feng(Host):
-and little pebbles, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But a sea, you get everything.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yep.
Eric Feng(Host):
- You get rotten stuff.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You get cars.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Creatures.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Creatures of weird alien shapes.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But because the sea
accept all these things
Eric Feng(Host):
-that's why the sea is the sea.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So he said to me, "Can
you increase your capacity
Eric Feng(Host):
-so that you can be like the sea
Eric Feng(Host):
-and to be able to take all problems
Eric Feng(Host):
-so that in return you get more returns?"
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Eric Feng(Host):
-So you've got to be bigger and stronger.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-What a wonderful mentor you have.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I have, yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
-It's great to have him.
Eric Feng(Host):
-He's a lot older so he's wiser, you know,
Eric Feng(Host):
-but it's amazing how you are young
Eric Feng(Host):
-and still got that so early.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So okay, got it.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So next time, when we face
big problems, you just smile
Eric Feng(Host):
-and remember what Yvon said.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Big problem equals big
opportunity equals big returns.
Eric Feng(Host):
-That means your business is growing.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Eric Feng(Host):
- I love that.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So encouraging.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You should be a motivational speaker.
(Eric and Yvon laughing)
Eric Feng(Host):
-Okay, let's go back to your challenge.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So first is intellectual
property, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I've learned from that
and I'm still learning.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-It's an on the job learning.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-To be honest,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-intellectual property is a
big, big school of thoughts
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-on its own,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I really encourage
every budding entrepreneur,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-please really look into
intellectual property protection.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So what are intellectual
properties, right?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So first is product design.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So product design there
are two types, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Design registration so the look of it,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and the patents, so the function of it.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I didn't know there was a difference
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-until I got into the business, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So these two you have to
really take care of these two
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-when you are into product designs.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Got it, design function.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Then when you go into like, services
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-or you go into like, maybe
even like a personal branding,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So branding is very important.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So make sure you acquire the trademark.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So brand name is a trademark.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Trademarks also divide into word mark.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-That means the word itself.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Or it's the trade mark which
is the picture mark, right.
Eric Feng (Host):
- So the word Hegen is trademark.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- And word mark.
Eric Feng(Host):
- And word mark.
Eric Feng(Host):
-That sort of picture.
Eric Feng(Host):
-The logo itself.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So I double it, yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, my God.
Eric Feng(Host):
-This is beautiful.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So for example, Eric Feng.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- You are word marked as a name, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- But you could also have a signature
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and that's your trademark.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I see, and what about like, you know,
Eric Feng(Host):
-something in entrepreneurship,
Eric Feng(Host):
-we have slogans of your
program names and all that.
Eric Feng(Host):
-All this can be trademarked too?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Trademark is words.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Slogans and taglines those can
be trademarks or copyrights.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So it depends.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So the lawyers will advise
you, you know, accordingly.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Eric Feng (Host):
- You know, it's so cool
that you mentioned it
Eric Feng (Host):
-because as an entrepreneur,
Eric Feng (Host):
-we never think about
protecting our copyright.
Eric Feng (Host):
-We just think about
make money first, right,
Eric Feng (Host):
-but you are thinking about the
downside and reducing risks.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, because if you want
to become a global business,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you have to think far.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So we start as one location, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but if you want to be a
global brand from the onset,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you have to look around the world.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Whether this name that
you have came out with
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-is already used by other brands, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-If not, you spend so much money-
Eric Feng (Host):
- Later they block you
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- branding it
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- every country.
- advertising.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, and how?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-You have to change and
turn into another name
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and you have to manage
so many different things.
(Eric and Yvon)
So that's 101.
- Problem number one.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, 101.
Eric Feng (Host):
- And let's help the
listeners and viewers, right.
Eric Feng (Host):
-So if we were going to go
out and look for a lawyer
Eric Feng (Host):
-like, do we need to look for a lawyer
Eric Feng (Host):
-that specialize in IP or just
a general lawyer will do?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Okay, I will really advise
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-a specialist in intellectual property.
Eric Feng (Host):
- Okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So business lawyers,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-they are very good with contracts,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but intellectual property,
there is a strategy
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and also at different
stage of your business.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So as a startup, you can go
towards a more SME lawyer
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because they understand the
pain point as a startup.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So every cent counts.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So there is, when you're small,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-there's way of doing it smaller.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-When you are slightly bigger,
you have more resources.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-There's the way of doing it global.
Eric Feng (Host):
- So would you say that if I'm small,
Eric Feng (Host):
-I go for a SME lawyer
first to do the IP, right,
Eric Feng (Host):
-the general IP.
Eric Feng (Host):
-Then after it, when I got
bigger making good money
Eric Feng (Host):
-and I'm expanding to other countries,
Eric Feng (Host):
-then I look for IP lawyer
'cause I can afford that.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- A global IP lawyer.
Eric Feng (Host):
- A global IP lawyer.
Eric Feng (Host):
Not even a Singapore IP lawyer.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes, so even IP lawyer
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-has different stage of their
careers as well, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I really highly
recommend find the right one
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-at the stage of your business.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So, for example, an MNC,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-it's impossible to work
with SME IP lawyer, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because they might not understand
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-the degree of the expansion
or the speed of expansion.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So likewise, the other way.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-If you are a startup,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you only have that limited resources.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Then don't look for an
international global firm.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Of course I love the name, but start small
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and then slowly build to
what's working with them.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I get it all ready.
Eric Feng(Host):
-and would you say how much
percent of our revenue
Eric Feng(Host):
-should be dedicated?
Eric Feng(Host):
-You know, we always talk
about revenue, you know.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Save some.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Like, is there a percentage
that you will guide us?
Eric Feng(Host):
-Or whatever amount is-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- It's impossible to put a finger down
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because it depends on the
number of intellectual property
(Yvon Bock and Eric)
you are filing for-
- Yeah.
(Yvon Bock and Eric)
- and registering, yeah.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Yeah, so it's very hard,
but it's expensive.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-However, very important.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So that is my really advise to
all friends and entrepreneurs
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-that this is the first thing.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Is like, you give birth to a child, right.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-First thing you do is?
Eric Feng(Host):
- Go register a name.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- No birth cert.
Yvon Bock (Guest)
How can, right.
- Exactly.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- You must register the baby.
Eric Feng(Host):
- I like that,
Eric Feng(Host):
Great analogy.
- Yes.
( Yvon and Eric):
- Especially you want
to do a global business,
(Eric and Yvon)
- Exactly.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Singapore, still okay.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Maybe people quite compliant.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But the minute you get
out, it's different.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- That's right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Challenge number one.
Eric Feng(Host):
-What other challenges do you face?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So once you have a
product, you have a brand,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you have done all your
intellectual preparation,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you don't have anyone that know you.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Nobody knows who's Hegen.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So that's the next job, marketing.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And the biggest challenge
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-is marketing there's also
many ways of doing, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I'm very thankful we are in this era
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-where social media really helps-
(Eric cheer)
- a lot.
Eric Feng(Host)
- I love social media.
(Unknown speaker)
- Yes.
- Okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so it helps us to speed up.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-However, social media can
only help you that much
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-when it comes to a baby product,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because moms need to
touch and feel the product
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-before they make a decision
for their babies, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I still have to go
to like, retail stores-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Fairs.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Baby fairs, trade shows.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And I remember standing there
serving one parent at a time
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to introduce our product.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And the personal touch is very important.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Nobody can sell better
than the business owner
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-at the beginning part of your business,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because when you sell, you're
not selling the product.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Sell with your story and with the heart
- Love that.
-A lot of founders they think
they need to hire a PR agency
-to do it, but sometimes people these days
-they don't buy the brand, they
buy the founder first.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yes.
- Got it.
-So the marketing was a
big challenge for you.
- Yeah, so marketing and then
finding the right partners.
-I always use analogy.
-Finding the godparents for my child
-in other parts of the world, yes.
-So really, finding partners,
-if you want to scale your business
-is very important to
identify the right partners
-with the right values,
with the right vision.
-Together, you can go further.
Eric Feng(Host):
- How do you access that?
Eric Feng(Host):
It seems like a daunting task, you know.
(Yvon and Eric)
- It is.
- 'Cause everybody
Eric Feng(Host):
-reach out to you they
always promise the sky
Eric Feng(Host):
-and the moon and the unicorns.
Eric Feng(Host):
-How do you know who can really
legit work with you long run?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Most importantly is the
alignment of values, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So personally I'm a community style,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-kind of, communal style kind of leader.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And I'm very hands-on.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-When I go to each market,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I believe in doing a breastfeeding talk
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-personally in those markets.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I can have translator doing
it in Cambodian with me.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-When I personally want
to serve the mom's there
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I will go to the store.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I can, you know...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-If I don't speak directly with
the, you know, ground staff.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I love going to the ground.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Like talking to the
promoters, explaining to them
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and letting them know that
they are equally important.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Even though you are ground staff,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you are the most important
representation of my brand.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So making them feel equally important,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that is my kind of a form of leadership
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-or my brand kind of, you know,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-the way we love Hegen
to be known for, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so the partners, the god parents,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-have to share similar kind of values.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Beautiful, beautiful.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- It's like paktor.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, it's actually...
Eric Feng(Host):
-It's like business dating, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Like, why do we not
carry the same principles
Eric Feng(Host):
-and rigor when it comes to
finding a business partner?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- That's right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Wow, okay, I hear you.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So three big challenges.
Eric Feng(Host):
-One is IP, second is marketing,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and third one is the finding the partners.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But the way to solve the marketing issue
Eric Feng(Host):
-is to first look at what are
the distribution channels
Eric Feng(Host):
-that you feel most aligned
Eric Feng(Host):
-or will make our product look the best.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yeah.
- All right.
Yvon Bock(Host):
- So I feel that the partnership
will help your scale,
Yvon Bock(Host):
-but ultimately, right, there's
one more big challenge.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Which is?
Yvon Bock(Host):
- Is production and supply chain.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, especially if you're
in a product business, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- I'm saying this,
especially doing COVID 19,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you can have the biggest grand plan.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-However, like for example, this year.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Our supply was totally cut
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because in Malaysia they
have to stop all production.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Yeah, and so during this kind of crisis,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
what can you do, you know?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So these are challenges
that we are also learning
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and we try to maneuver around it.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So as we say, you know,
inspired by a Chinese idiom-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
(speaks in Chinese)
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So if the mountain, the big
problem cannot change, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you walk around it, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-If you can't scale it, try
thinking of walking around it.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, don't let that it look
too big a problem to you.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So that's where we think
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-about like, hey, if we can't produce,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-can we start a factory in
Singapore, fully automated?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I know people are very expensive here.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Labor is very expensive,
very hard to find,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but if we use machines, robots to produce,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-can we solve the problem?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so our new factory
will be ready very soon.
Eric Feng(Host):
(Eric cheering)
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And probably the listener
listening in right now
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-we are happy to share that we
are up and running all ready.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, that's beautiful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Wow, it seems like a common
theme for you, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-That every time you face
a problem, a big problem,
Eric Feng(Host):
-when you solve it, the
ROI is as big as well.
Eric Feng(Host):
-It's like a big leap, a big jump.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yeah.
- This is beautiful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I wanted to ask you, all right,
Eric Feng(Host):
-that because this title of today's podcast
Eric Feng(Host):
-is highly sought after,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and obviously you are
highly sought after, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You guys, if you all listen
to my introduction just now,
Eric Feng(Host):
-you know, she did very well.
Eric Feng(Host):
-On Alibaba
Eric Feng(Host):
-she won the Alibaba 11.11
Most Outstanding Performance.
Eric Feng(Host):
-There were a lot other awards
Eric Feng(Host):
-that we couldn't read out in the bio.
Eric Feng(Host):
-And I also want to mention something
Eric Feng(Host):
-that when she did her live
stream, right, guys...
Eric Feng(Host):
-You all know live stream is so important.
Eric Feng(Host):
-A lead up to the single days
event, Yvon hands-on..
Eric Feng(Host):
-This is a really cool, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Founders, listen, you must be hands-on.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Hosted a three-hour marathon livestream
Eric Feng(Host):
-to promote their brand best-seller
Eric Feng(Host):
-drawing an overwhelming 105,500 views.
Eric Feng(Host):
-And two days later, her guest appearance
Eric Feng(Host):
-in Tmall annual Boss Show
garnered 58,600 views
Eric Feng(Host):
-making it one of the Top 10
Mother and Baby livestream
Eric Feng(Host):
-for a single day.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So it's phenomenal results.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You are highly sought after.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I'm just curious and all, like,
we also want to be like you.
(Eric and Yvon laughing)
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- I wanna be like you too.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, and she's very kind.
Eric Feng(Host):
-What can we do?
Eric Feng(Host):
-Like, what do you think you did.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Like, since this is a nice way
Eric Feng(Host):
-to reflect on your own business,
Eric Feng(Host):
-what do you think was one
of the things you did right
Eric Feng(Host):
-that led you to be so sought after,
Eric Feng(Host):
-not just from a big
corporate point of view,
Eric Feng(Host):
-but even the consumers they love you?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Thank you, Eric.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Hegen is a brand designed
by a mother for mothers.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I look at the pain points
from a mom's perspective
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I tried to solve each one
of them for the moms, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So that's number one.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So when you design something
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-coming from a point where
you want to help people,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you want to change,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you want to create a
difference positively,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that's very important and I
felt that was what I could do.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And my personal motto was
also, never chase the numbers.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So it's not...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-People ask me, Yvon, how do you
measure your success, right?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So it's never by the number of
bottles or products we sell,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but it's by the number of mothers
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-we helped around the world
one mother at a time.
Eric Feng(Host):
- That's so beautiful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You remind me of Bill Gates.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Bill Gates said one
PC, every table, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-It's always about that person.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So let me see if I can
recap properly, right,
Eric Feng(Host):
-about what makes you highly sought after.
Eric Feng(Host):
-The first one is you are
very problem-focused.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You're always constantly looking for...
Eric Feng(Host):
-First of all, you know who you're serving.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You're serving moms, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You have a very big vision
Eric Feng(Host):
-to help them enjoy the
breastfeeding journey,
Eric Feng(Host):
-not just for the mom, but for the babies
Eric Feng(Host):
-and even the father, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So big vision.
Eric Feng(Host):
-And you're constantly figuring out
Eric Feng(Host):
-new ways to solve their problems.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So the more problems you solve,
Eric Feng(Host):
-the more indebted that they are to you.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So I think that's my first takeaway.
Eric Feng(Host):
-That as an entrepreneur,
Eric Feng(Host):
-stop thinking in terms
of dollars and cents
Eric Feng(Host):
-and start thinking
Eric Feng(Host):
-in terms of what kind of
problems you want to solve.
Eric Feng(Host):
-The more creative you are,
the more determined you are,
Eric Feng(Host):
-the more results you can create,
the more impact you have.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So that's one.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Number two, you said
Eric Feng(Host):
-that you don't think about
how many bottles you sell,
Eric Feng(Host):
-because then that's very commercial.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But you think about how many
mothers that we can help.
Yvon Bock(Guess):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So I thought that was very powerful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You know why?
Eric Feng(Host):
-Because from today onwards,
like if I'm a sales person,
Eric Feng(Host):
-I'll never use the word sell,
Eric Feng(Host):
-I will always use the word help,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and I always not think
about how much money
Eric Feng(Host):
-I want to bring in, but how
many people I want to help.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- How can we serve?
(Yvon and ErIc)
- Yeah, because then-
- So-
(Yvon and Eric)
- the priority is people.
- go approach.
Yvon Bock(Guest)
-How can I help you?
Yvon Bock(Guess):
Eric Feng(Host):
- So maybe it's not that difficult
Eric Feng(Host):
-to be highly sought after, huh,
Eric Feng(Host):
-if our eyes and heart
is in the right place.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- Yes, that's right.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-It always starts from the heart.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So guys, if you are going to a business
Eric Feng(Host):
-'cause you want to make money,
Eric Feng(Host):
-maybe you're in the wrong business.
(Yvon laughs)
Eric Feng(Host):
-'Cause the money will come
if you help enough people
Eric Feng(Host):
-and you help them-
Yvon Bock(Guest)
- You know.
Eric Feng(Host):
- in a big way.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Right?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I met a lot of, for example,
property agents, car sellers,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-home insurance agents, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Those that really do very well,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-their question is how can I
help to make a difference?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-How can I find your new
home, not your house.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-New home, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-What lifestyle change can I
help you with the car, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So these are things that I really noticed.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And even insurance agent,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I have so many friends in insurance
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I feel that sometimes
when they touch me, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-it's I'm here to help plan for you
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and how do you plan for your future?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-How can I help you
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to look out for things
that you may not plan for?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-You know, all these keywords, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Help, serve you.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-That makes a difference.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- They never talked to me
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-about number off a dollars and cents.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
They never say-
Eric Feng(Host):
- How much premiums and yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So it's more starting from that point
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I think it's very simple,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but it's difficult to practice.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But keep it as a practice
and we will always get there.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I'm also polishing up.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I'm also learning all the time.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Eric Feng(Host):
- No, but it's just that I feel
Eric Feng(Host):
-that what you say is very powerful,
Eric Feng(Host):
-because what I'm learning from you
Eric Feng(Host):
-is that if you make your clients
your number one priority,
Eric Feng(Host):
-they will in turn return the favor
Eric Feng(Host):
-and make you the number
one product, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So it's about that
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay, maybe a final question, right,
Eric Feng(Host):
-We talk a lot about entrepreneurship.
Eric Feng(Host):
-We talk a lot about your backstory.
Eric Feng(Host):
-May I know, is it that
you've got 48 hours a day?
(Eric and Yvon laugh)
Eric Feng(Host):
-Like, is it that you've got extra time
Eric Feng(Host):
-because you are a mom of four kids?
Eric Feng(Host):
-You have a husband, you
have a big business to run.
Eric Feng(Host):
-How do you do everything?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- I think...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Well, this is common among
all women entrepreneurs.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-We have the same 24 hours as everyone.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And this is also the same struggle,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-challenge I face every day, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-People ask me, "Yvon, how do you juggle?"
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-To be honest, there's no perfect solution.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-There's no formula and
there's no science to this.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-It's more like an art.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But the main thing I would
say is always be present.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So when I'm here doing
this podcast with you,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I give you my 100%.
ErIc Feng(Host)
- I can feel that.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-When I'm with my team,
I give them my 100%.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But when I'm at home, I
will disconnect to connect.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So there's this thing called D to C.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-We will all put our hand
phones and devices away
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so that when we are having our dinner,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-it will be our heart to heart
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-100% present at the moment
kind of dinner together.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So our dinners are always
chatting, conversations,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-laughters, yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So it's quite silly at
the table, but we love it.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So just be present.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So you ask any of my team member.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So when I'm in the office, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I'm always trying to walk around.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I don't like to just sit at my table.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I like to be with my team members
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and understanding what
they are doing as well.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Not all the time, they
want me to chip in my help
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because I tend to break
prototypes quite easily.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I messed up their displays,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but I like to be there with them.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Very hands-on.
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So be present.
Eric Feng(Host):
- This is so cool.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Be present.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So it's okay to have
multiple things to do,
Eric Feng(Host):
-but it's just that when
you do that one thing,
Eric Feng(Host):
-can you do it well?
(Yvon and Eric)
Can you be extremely focused?
- Yes.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So be present is first thing,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but I know you're going to
ask me the second thing.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But you know, sometimes you
get a phone call, emergency.
Eric Feng(Host):
- And it affects you, yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- You know, how do you handle that?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So then that's the second thing.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I will start prioritizing
which is more important,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-which is more urgent.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So that's a difference between
important and urgent, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So important are like
my children's birthdays.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So to me, those are important.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Like, for example, we have
a movie date after this,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to me that is important, you know.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Aaw, wow, so sweet, okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so to me those are important
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I will make sure I will be there.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Or like, you know,
important rugby matches.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-My boys are playing.
Eric Feng(Host)
- So being a mother is
the most important role-
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yes.
- for you.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- However, urgent
matters can be, you know,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-those emergency cases or
some urgent deadlines.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So if we plan ahead we can
reduce all these urgent matters.
Eric Feng(Host):
- It's all about proper planning.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Proper planning.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Plan ahead.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so that's how I'm starting
to balance out my life
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-a little bit better.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay, but you strike me as
a very ambitious lady, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-That you want to solve the world, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-You want to help all the moms.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So you're also the kind of person
Eric Feng(Host):
-probably have a lot of ideas, right.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yes.
- Huh, how you deal with it?
(Eric and Yvon laughing)
Eric Feng(Host):
-Like you have ideas.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Then am sure you tell your team
Eric Feng(Host):
-and then you wan to do
this, you want to do that.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Everything you also want to do,
(Yvon and Eric)
- That's right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Like, how do you balance?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so...
(Yvon laughs)
(Yvon and Eric)
Yeah, absolutely correct.
- Right, I sense it.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I sense that you're the kind
of leader that like that.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- Yes,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-so when we list down all the things,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-like all the products...
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So for example, today, we just
had a R and D meeting, right.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And suddenly out of nowhere, I just ding.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-I have this idea that I just sketch it out
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-and say, guys, we have to slot this in.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And then they're like, what?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Then I will slow down, I will
digest it, and I'll think,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-and I'll be reasonable
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-and say, guys, when is the
realistic date to plot this in?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So that's where we have to
also look at the planning.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So now we plan ahead 12 months, right.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And is there a possibility
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-of planting this into the pipeline?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-If not, right after queue.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-But is this an urgent product?
(Yvon and Eric)
Is this revolution?
- Or it's just cool.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- Yeah, or is it just cool?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Or it's just a passion project.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So I would ask myself this question.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And then when I say, oh, actually
this is a passion project,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-so it can wait, yeah.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-But today, this, I drew,
I asked my designers,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-do you think this is going
to be a breakthrough?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And everybody agreed.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So suddenly we all like,
we can make it happen.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So that is important.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Getting also the validation
from my team members, right.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-To see it together.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-It's not just me, myself, I all ready.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-It's we.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So how can they also help
me in my decision making?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So same thing for the children
next coming year, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- It's a new year.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Hopefully that I can travel
and I all ready make plans
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-to go different parts of the world, right,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-to visit some of the
partners that we engaged.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Last year, I have never
even met them in person.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-It's always virtual, right.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So I talked to my children
because it's a sabbatical year,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-supposedly for me.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-2022, I have four major exempts.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-PSLE, O levels, A levels
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-and then there's a sec
two, you know, yeah.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So it's a major year for me.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-My children knew it because
we always talk about it.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-We joke about it, and it's
here, it's fine, and yeah.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-However, I talked to the children.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-I say, mommy has five trips to go.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So are you guys cool about
me traveling five trips?
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And then I kind of
rationalize it out with them.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-And then they say, fair.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-Mommy, if you go for these five trips,
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-the rest of the trip, you
have to be home by seven.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Wow.
- So I said, okay.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-So that is where we can also plan forward
Yvon Bock (Guest):
-and reduce all the
urgent matters, you know.
Eric Feng(Host):
- So sometimes when things are urgent
Eric Feng(Host):
-it's also actually kind of our fault
Eric Feng(Host):
-because it became urgent
Eric Feng(Host):
-because we didn't predict ahead
of time or didn't forecast.
Yvon Bock (Guest):
- Correct.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Wow, this is very new thinking for me
Eric Feng(Host):
-because I'm also like a leader,
which I've a lot of ideas,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and my team are quite docile
so they will try to implement.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But sometimes it's not good, right
Eric Feng(Host):
-because we are very disruptive.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- But what you're saying is
that if I can plan ahead of time
Eric Feng(Host):
-and plan an entire year, once I've focused
Eric Feng(Host):
-and when I have goals, then
sure, I can plug in an idea
Eric Feng(Host):
-but something got to go.
(Yvon Bock(Guest)
- Yes.
(Yvon and Eric)
- You cannot just-
- You have to be fair, right.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Or otherwise your hires a new-
- Correct, yeah.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, thank you so much.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Good tip.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Okay, in my head, I'm thinking, oh my God.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I got so many more fun
questions to ask you.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Okay, let's ask this question.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I think people would care about that.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So we understand how you manage time.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Some people argue
Eric Feng(Host):
-that you should never
work with your spouse.
(Yvon laughs)
Eric Feng(Host):
-And from what I understand,
and I read about you,
Eric Feng(Host):
-you not only just walk with your husband,
Eric Feng(Host):
-you also work with your father.
- Yes.
- Yeah,
Eric Feng(Host):
-so is it true you work
with your entire family?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, yes.
Eric Feng(Host):
- How's it like?
Eric Feng(Host):
-What's the family dynamics?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Okay, so I start with my husband.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I am the one that convinced
him to join my business.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I actually planned for
him to join the business.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so he actually...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-He had a bigger empire than me, you know.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Wow.
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And he's very well
recognized in his industry.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-However, he was willing
to let go of everything.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-He sold his business,
family business as well,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I'm so grateful to my
in-laws that they retire
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because they saw my dream
and they saw my vision
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and they kind of like, empower Leon,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-gifted us him-
(Unknown speaker)
- To you.
- to join me.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so I asked for it.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I have to make it work, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes.
(Yvon laughs)
Eric Feng(Host):
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, but he is like the
yang to my yin, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-We are very different
in our personalities.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So how we actually juggle.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So from day one, I have this
mentor in the business as well.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And he sat two of us down in front of him.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Very seriously, he says,
"Okay, Yvon and Leon,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you have to agree and promise me
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you have to answer me this very honestly
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-before Leon can join
this business, all right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-First, this question.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-If there is any problem in business, okay,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that you guys have very different opinion,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-are you willing to let Yvon,
the CEO, make the decision?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-She is the ultimate decision maker.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Do you see that?"
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so this was a
very, very firm question.
(Unknown Speaker)
- Important question.
- Yeah, yes or no, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, so Leon said, "Yes, of course."
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I said great.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-"So next question is, I
want you guys to promise me
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-no matter what happens,
family comes first.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Business can change,
employees you can re-recruit,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but husband and wife, you must
stay strong together, okay.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Eric Feng(Host):
- Pinky promise.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Pinky promise.
(Yvon laughs)
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But you know, that was
like the greatest advice
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-from my mentor and I really appreciate it.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So from day one, we made it very clear.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so Leon has his own portfolio.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I have my own portfolio.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So he's looking after the
commercial, operations,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-HR, finance.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I'm the dreamer.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Dreamer, the soul, the people.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- The marketing, the
branding, the R and D,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-the product development.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So those are areas that I look after.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Publicity, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So when it comes to our
different territory,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-when it comes to decision making,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-we know who is the final decision
maker for that portfolio.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-We can share our opinion, but
I will never go and intervene.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Well, this is very useful tips.
Eric Feng(Host):
-This is a good piece of video to cut,
Eric Feng(Host):
-which is, before you
ever get into a business
Eric Feng(Host):
-with your spouse, go watch this video.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Or before you get a business
Eric Feng(Host):
-with your girlfriend or
boyfriend, watch this video.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Watch this part.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Actually, it applies to
marriage too, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-It applies to marriage.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-It's the same thing.
ErIc Feng(Host):
- Your kids are like
your business as well.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Family, being together
as husband and wife,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-marriage is the same.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So when we come together,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so when it's a big
decision in life, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-somebody who is in charge of
that big decision, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So it's really just a hierarchy
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that we all have to align in life.
Eric Feng(Host):
- And to have the agreement
before things happen, right,
Eric Feng(Host):
-so we that can fall back to that.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- That's right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so with business, Leon
is very clear of his role.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I'm very clear off my role,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but when I go home,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I'm very clear that I go
back to become the wife,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-the mom, the girlfriend,
you know, the daughter.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And so I go back to my role
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because I believe that when I'm at home,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-there is another responsibility.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-That kind of demeanor
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that I should project
at home for my husband.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So I can be very strong
headed and, you know,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but when I go back home,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I believe that-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to be that girlfriend is very important.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Okay, we need to translate that.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Little bird perching on the shoulder.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Ah, little...
(Eric and Yvon laughing)
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Thank you for helping me to
translate a much better way.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Small bird perching.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So everybody has that role.
Eric Feng(Host):
-They have to respect that
role, respect the boundaries,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and communicate ahead of time.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Correct.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So this is how we balance
and yeah, family comes first.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Oh, it's so beautiful.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- So when it comes to my
dad, now it comes to my dad-
(Unknown Speaker)
- Yes, how?
- right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so a lot of people say
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-it is very difficult
to work with older generation.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- In reality,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I don't deny that, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because we have different eras-
(Unknown Speaker)
- Correct, point of view.
- point of views
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and probably social media was not so...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I mean, they had no social media, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So their form of sales, marketing,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-very different from what we are doing.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I learned that always be
respectful, be open and we agree...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-My dad actually agreed to disagree
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so we can share our opinion.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-He also can come and
feedback to me how he feels
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that, you know, I can
improve or be better,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and I learned how to listen.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Actually it's a very important skill
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-when you're with your family,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-because the family, we take
each other for granted.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-We will have a biased opinion
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that, oh, you're saying this
because you're my dad, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, just because I'm a doctor
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so I can actually be very rude
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-and just, you know-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-(撒娇) a bit
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Like, no, but that's not the way.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So at work, I address
my father as Mr. Chan.
(Yvon and ErIc)
- Oh.
- Yeah,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so a lot of people are very shocked.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Like, sorry, I thought he's your dad.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I said, no.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-At work I will remind myself, you know,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-he's my boss boss as well, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, and when he address
me, he called me Yvon.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, so it's very clear and-
Eric Feng(Host):
- This is so helpful.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah, so I don't believe like, papa...
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I mean, sometimes during
lunchtime, I will.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I will, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-To make him comfortable,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but at work I walk into the room,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I would just say, excuse me, Mr. Chan.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-I need to speak with you just a bit.
00:57:33,600 --> 00:57:35,420
So we know the roles again.
00:57:35,420 --> 00:57:37,880
But the key thing with older generation
00:57:37,880 --> 00:57:40,740
is giving them the chance
to speak their mind,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-share their opinion and we listen and-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Let them feel heard.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- let them feel heard, yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, and also managing expectations.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So they might want
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-things to be done in a certain way, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-We have to also align expectations
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-that, okay, we all have our opinion,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but when it comes to certain things,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you have to also respect.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Ah, so going back to what you said
Eric Feng(Host):
-with with your husband, right.
(Unknown Speaker)
- Yes.
- That, yes,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-you can share your opinion
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-but in that area, I have to be the one
(Yvon and Eric)
to make the decision.
- That's right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-That's right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-And this has to be aligned.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Before we get into the battle
or in the thick of things.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Correct.
Eric Feng(Host):
- This is so helpful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Thank you so much.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I mean, I've...
Eric Feng(Host):
-This is season three, by the way,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and you are such a unique personality
Eric Feng(Host):
-because I think we have not had anyone
Eric Feng(Host):
-who came in our show who
is a husband-wife team
Eric Feng(Host):
-and then yours is even more
even with your dad as well.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So this is beautiful.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Final question.
Eric Feng(Host):
-It's 2022, right.
Eric Feng(Host):
-So what are your plans?
Eric Feng(Host):
-What are the plans that
you can share with us?
Eric Feng(Host):
-Because we have a lot of
mommies listening, you know.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Yeah.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Okay, so personally I want to grow.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So getting certified
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-as an International Board
Certified Lactation Consultant.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-That will be my personal goal
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so that I can have the
right credential, knowledge
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-skillsets, right, to really
help breastfeeding moms
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-in the fullest way I can, right.
(Yvon and Eric)
That's my personal goal.
- So education?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- Education.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-And with that, I also hope
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to attract more lactation
practitioner specialists
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to join Hegen and myself
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-so that we can actually
expand our outreach
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-to these moms around the world.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Because myself, I can only maybe help
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-one mom at a time, right.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-But more together-
Yvon Bock(Guest):
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- The power will be-
(Yvon and Eric)
- The power of unity, right.
- Will be abundant.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-Yeah, so I hope to attract
more lactation practitioners.
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-So guys, if you are
listening to this podcast-
Eric Feng(Host):
- I want to refer you
Eric Feng(Host):
-because I have one friend who
has been going around sharing
Eric Feng(Host):
-and she's sharing for
personal experiences.
Eric Feng(Host):
-She's a dedicated mom.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Yes.
- Well, say no more.
Eric Feng(Host):
So okay.
Eric Feng(Host):
-But must they have certification
Eric Feng(Host):
-or maybe I'm a mom and I
want to do what you do.
Eric Feng(Host):
-Can I also work with you?
Yvon Bock(Guest):
- We attract a lot of Hegen moms, right,
Yvon Bock(Guest):
-joining our business-
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yeah, because they join
(Yvon and Eric)
- so we have different roles.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Yes, so it's the mission.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-Yeah, so this is very important to me
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-and yeah, for personal.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So this is whole personal, right.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-Education, growth, yeah.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-I really hope that we can do more,
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-whether it's in person
or whether virtually,
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-we want to take this to
a global level, yeah.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So for the business side of things,
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-vision is still the same, very clear.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-We want to achieve that
35 international markets
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-slowly but surely.
Eric Feng(Host):
- She's halfway all ready.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
- Yeah, we're not going to
let any of this pandemic
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-slow us down.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So we going to be focused
to expand our presence
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-around the world.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So we hope to reach out to
all the different continents
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-and continue to build
our portfolio of products
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-and services.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So we want to bring our
business beyond just products.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So we are now moving towards services.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So together with the
lactation specialist team
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-we hope that we can create more content.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-We can have more workshops and classes
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-and just to serve moms.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-Not just Hegen moms.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-Any mothers, yeah.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-So my 2022
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-is anyone,
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-any way, anywhere, any time.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
-We want to serve any
moms around the world.
Eric Feng(Host):
- Well, ladies and gentlemen,
Eric Feng(Host):
-that's our Hegen, you know,
CEO speaking, Yvon Bock,
Eric Feng(Host):
-and if you are a mom, you
know, go look up her products,
Eric Feng(Host):
-look at her mission.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I think you will be super inspired by her.
Eric Feng(Host):
And if you are a dad,
Eric Feng(Host):
-the best gift to get for your
wife, have your Hegen for her.
Eric Feng(Host):
-I still think that's pretty cool.
(Yvon and Eric)
-So thank you so much-
- Thank you, Eric.
Eric Feng(Host):
- and I wish you success
in every single country.
Eric Feng(Host):
35, right?
(Yvon and Eric)
- Thank you so much.
- Let's High five for 35,
(Yvon and Eric)
all right.
- All right.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
- Yes, 35.
Yvon Bok(Guest):
- And likewise for you.
(Yvon and Eric)
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
Eric Feng(Host):
All right, so this is Yvon Bock.
Eric Feng(Host):
Oh, my God.
Eric Feng(Host):
I can't tell you how energized I am
Eric Feng(Host):
from, you know, speaking to her,
Eric Feng(Host):
seeing her inspiration
and seeing her backstory.
Eric Feng(Host):
My biggest takeaway
from today's interview,
Eric Feng(Host):
I have a lot of takeaways,
but the biggest takeaway is,
Eric Feng(Host):
you know, when you make your clients,
Eric Feng(Host):
the people that you serve,
your number one priority.
Eric Feng(Host):
you're constantly thinking
about their problems.
Eric Feng(Host):
You're thinking about their struggles.
Eric Feng(Host):
You're thinking about their
anxiety, their worries,
Eric Feng(Host):
their dreams, their goals,
Eric Feng(Host):
and you make your entire business
Eric Feng(Host):
about helping them these
fears and struggles
Eric Feng(Host):
and helping them achieve their dreams.
Eric Feng(Host):
They will also in turn, return the favor
Eric Feng(Host):
and make you the number
one product or service.
Eric Feng(Host):
And also if you want to make millions,
Eric Feng(Host):
maybe let me ask you to change your focus,
Eric Feng(Host):
start thinking about how can
you affect a million people.
Eric Feng(Host):
And that's where the money will be.
Eric Feng(Host):
All right, so I hope you
enjoyed today's episode.
Eric Feng(Host):
If you love it, please
remember to subscribe YouTube.
Eric Feng(Host):
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every single week.
Eric Feng(Host):
Hit the subscribe button,
switch on the bell notification,
Eric Feng(Host):
and I'll see you at the very next video.
Eric Feng(Host):
In fact, I hope one day
Eric Feng(Host):
that you can also be
so highly sought after
Eric Feng(Host):
that we will love to fly you
to our studio here in Singapore
Eric Feng(Host):
to do this interview.
Eric Feng(Host):
We'll see you at the next video.